Fresh Food Maker

This machine has several empty places which are filled by raw & rich nutritional ingredients and less than few hours can provide healthy food for children and their families. The main point of this machine is not only preparing the food, is to provide a healthy food without using operator and will work like a clean cooker but in more functional and more reliable than that. It is also upgradeable to be equipped with future recipes or additional devices. Few numbers of operators in this machine can be called as one of the big positive point for it. Also, this device from the occupied capacity point of view has another advantageous which can be erected everywhere and can be shipped by personal car, truck, ship, airplane or any other transportation device. Power resource of this machine is mainly employed by electricity or chargeable batteries and in case of offer it can be produced to work by natural gas. Moreover, in one model of this machine it is able to use predefined standard recipes and in another model it is also able to define its own recipe and the machine start to work.
The main advantageous of this machine would be the fully automatic functionality. Also, mobility, working with different fuel consumption system, easy to erection and easy to use are the main key features of this machine.
How it can help disaster people? The main issue in a critical situation is to help people and save their life but in between some other who reached the shelters need to keep them alive in healthy manner. Children and women are the first point of this challenge because they are weaker than the rest and they need to be protected more from all aspects. One main criterion is to have healthy food. Also, it is obvious that in those situation finding pot, spoon, oven, stove, ingredients and etc are impossible and would be too time consuming but by appearing this machine and only prepare its main ingredients which would be available everywhere it can prepare warm fresh food for who have lost their own shelters.
Moreover than critical situations, this machine can help to improve the healthiness of the family by using the healthy recipes and it can control the achievement of calories per day for each family member. The main problem in today’s life is to use more fast foods or energetic foods with less movement which leads to problems such as extra weight, heart problem and so on. Another point is in cooking fresh foods, people should waste long time in kitchen which is in contrast with today’s industrial life and to spend long time with family is more valuable. Therefore the solution would be to give cooking job to an fully automated cooker with long time experience in behind of its recipes and the comments of nutrition’s experts. This way will cause to reduce the number of fat people and will help those have not sufficient time for cooking fresh foods and won’t go to eat fast foods or go to restaurants.
Another point of this innovation, would be the number of people who will be employed in this industry would be approximately equal to number of employees in famous chain fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s or KFC and so on. But in this case they provide fresh ingredients instead of fast foods for machine.
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