#EsConESI - #ItsSexED

As a result of the youth’s dissatisfaction regarding Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Latin America, EsConESI is an initiative which prioritizes and focuses on youth’s voices to create a transversal and intersectional approach to CSE that meets their real needs. Through virtual courses, we empower youth, promote activism and foster participation in CSE implementation. The free peer-to-peer trainings provides a safe space for expression and discussion on gender-sensitive topics and aims to develop resources that impact public policies and raise awareness in society about the importance of CSE. By promoting youth-led materials, we ensure that the content is relevant, relatable, and inclusive. By involving young people in the creation and dissemination of CSE resources, we empower them to shape the conversations and address the specific needs and concerns of their peers. It is essential to address the promotion of comprehensive health, focusing on youth voices.
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