Smart Solutions for Waste Management

Residuall comes up with a solution to optimize controlling and monitoring any waste management chain. An innovative and smart solution consisted of sensors, statistical softwares and mobile application. We propose a 60% economy for waste collection companies as a result of increased offer and decreased logistic expenses.
It consists on a platform that provides integration between the waste generators, collectors and recyclers. As long as generators are concerned, this connection is performed by the simple use of an application to request a collection and assess the quality of this service. It is an easier, more controlled and secure way to discard the waste they produce. Our software optimizes the collection logistics by compiling and forecasting all requests and appointments and outputting daily optimized routes. Our solution also involves an intelligent container with an internal sensor that monitors at real time the waste level and automatically warns
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Dear Luiz, I'm Rodrigo and I will be your tutor in this stage. I think is great that you are concern about waste management! I have some questions in order to have a better understanding of your proyect. 1-Is this solution already inmplemented somewhere? If so, Can you tell me more about the results? 2- Who's the main user and costumer? Are you selliing the solution for the collector or the generator? 3- If you are focused on the latest one, How are you going to engange with them?
hace 8 años

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