A reuse and recycling platform that connects people, charities & businesses to enable them to reuse
unwanted items within a global supply chain network. It creates a waste audit and social value.
Categoría de tu proyecto
Educación colaborativa
Cómo se diferencia tu producto o servicio de lo existente en el mercado?
There is no global supply chain network that connects communities and cities with charities and companies in a streamlined approach via a digital platform. It creates data that helps companies and charities and people monitor their waste as well as savings and social value.
Describe el impacto social que genera tu solución
By using items given away for free via the site within the retail, commercial office and construction industries, it helps people, communities and charities in many ways such as directly impacting their living accomodation by offering items to reuse. helping community projects with items to sell, use or build. it helps reduce costs from both contributors and receivers (economically) and socially can have indirect impacts on poverty, employment and community engagement.
Descripción breve de la sustentabilidad económica de tu proyecto
The site has two payment methods and is based on the organisation that uploads and gives away items. There is an annual fee for large Fortune500 companies and a PAy As You Go fee for small businesses.
¿Cómo es la escala de tu proyecto?¿Zonal, regional, nacional o globlal? ¿Por qué?
Global. by creating a super streamlined platform system. the power of collaboration across boarders and countries make a powerful supply chain for services and community engagment built on trust and sharing.
¿En qué etapa se encuentra tu proyecto?
¿Tu emprendimiento se encuentra constituído en algún país?¿Cuál?
Uk and USA
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Different behaviour patterns of charities and small businesses in how they conduct donations in Colombia and public liability / insurance law. Competition.
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