
BikeSurf is a bicycle sharing project. We differ from other bike lending services because our users (BikeSurfers) are under no obligation to pay for riding our bikes. It relies on the generosity of people who give the project bikes and bike parts, online donations and time to maintain and improve the service we provide. Originating in Berlin, Germany, and now other cities throughout the world are using the BikeSurf platform and philosophy. As the network of BikeSurf cities expands ever wider, the project will influence cycling culture globally and also demonstrate how a sharing economy makes sense. We don’t just advocate cycling; we facilitate it. For everyone.
Categoría de tu proyecto
Collaborative Consumption
Cómo se diferencia tu producto o servicio de lo existente en el mercado?
We give bikes on pay-what-you-can basis to almost complete strangers. This honour system for renting out bikes, without the need for a deposit or rental fee is novel and has been successful. By offering such a service, BikeSurf helps reevaluate the role and necessity of money in what is usually a paid-for service. The social values are emphasised rather than the materialistic ones. On a practical level, the website offers a booking system which allows users to reserve a bicycle that fits their taste and size. They will then receive confirmation with the combination number and location of the bike. What could be simpler?
Describe el impacto social que genera tu solución
6 levels of social impact 1) Affordable transportation: The project being based on the sharing economy model allows everyone the opportunity to cycle in a safe city environment without paying the relatively high bicycle rental fees or public transport costs. The BikeSurfers - about 1700 so far - have benefited from having the freedom of movement that bikes allow. This in the end makes the city more inclusive and fair. 2) Promoting of sharing economy principles: The BikeSurf fleet mostly consists of the bikes which are donated by their previous users. The bikes can be donated permanently or temporarily in case the owner leaves the city only for a certain period of time. By developing a system to share bicycles allows more people to benefit from a limited resource. More indirectly, but perhaps more importantly, the trust relationship engendered by such a collaborative consumption economy allows everyone the opportunity to benefit from the increased emphasis on social values instead of materialistic values. “The funny thing about the "sharing economy" is that it seems like it's missed the point. It might as well be called the rental economy, but that's not really nearly as disruptive sounding. I've tried public bike share systems, I've tried SpinLister, and by far the one that seems most like sharing is Bike Surf“ – Leif Haven of SF Weekly, April 25th 2014 3) Intensifying community links: The BikeSurf community encompasses many people from diverse backgrounds: travellers, hospitality hosts, guests, students and people who need a bike short term. The BikeSurfers not only get a bicycle but an entry point into the cycling culture of the city - meeting cycling enthusiasts, finding out about local cycling events, the best cycling routes, etc. This project offers a practical solution to moving about the city, and also stimulates a social aspect for both lender and borrowers. By trading on trust and good will, the project promotes a close sense of community. 4) Skills development and empowerment: BikeSurf promotes bike culture at large by providing bicycle maintenance classes. By upskilling, people develop more independence and a sense of self reliance and empowerment. By acting as an information point, BikeSurf offers impartial advice to those looking to buy their own bicycle, so that they can fully enjoy the benefits of having a suitable and reasonably priced steed. 5) Environmental impact: Increasing the access to bicycles leads to an increased awareness that non-polluting forms of transport can be practical, fun and safe. Promotion of cycling as an alternative to other urban transport, leads to a more livable city for all; less traffic, less street noise, a gentler pace of moving about. 6) Health benefits: The regular cyclist enjoys a generally higher healthy lifestyle. This has a knock-on effect to national health costs, with governments having to spend less money on diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle. An added benefit to any economy is that studies have shown that the productivity of the employee who cycles is improved by cycling.
Descripción breve de la sustentabilidad económica de tu proyecto
The project is financially sustainable from donations of users and well-wishers. This money covers the running costs of the project and bike maintenance. The project in Berlin has not had to rely on state or company sponsors, believing instead that our users should support the project’s minimal running costs. To keep the costs to a minimum the project buys or uses donated cheap used parts, uses a skilled volunteer workforce and utilises donated bikes. By having minimal expenses, whilst maintaining the bicycles in good condition, the project does not need many donations to remain financially viable. For example, we estimate it costs less than 0.50€ per bike per day to maintain our fleet of nearly forty bicycles in Berlin. Actually, BikeSurfBerlin has received much more money this year than required. As a result, BikeSurfBerlin has offered other BikeSurf cities financial support in setting up and running their projects. We keep complete transparency to the public of our costs and donated funds.
¿Cómo es la escala de tu proyecto?¿Zonal, regional, nacional o globlal? ¿Por qué?
The BikeSurf project is adoptable everywhere. The website has been coded and designed specifically to allow everyone the chance to start up a BikeSurf project in their own hometown. This obviates the need for them to develop a public reputation or booking system. It is easier than ever to have a systematic way of lending out bikes anywhere in the world. Moreover, the worldwide network will continue to grow with each city contributing to the development of the worldwide reputation. BikeSurfBerlin has been running for the past two and half years and will continue to offer advice, encouragement and solutions to those looking to start their own BikeSurf project elsewhere. This sharing of our solutions, means that others do not have to repeat the same mistakes and can concentrate their efforts on meeting the BikeSurfers and maintaining the bikes. Today, BikeSurf projects exist in Germany, Poland, United States, Greece, Norway, Netherlands and Chile. You never know where the the next BikeSurf pops up – BikeSurfBogota has a nice ring to it, no?
¿En qué etapa se encuentra tu proyecto?
¿Tu emprendimiento se encuentra constituído en algún país?¿Cuál?
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