
It is a company that will serve and provide immediate, effective and sustainable support to the collaborative community and society by harnessing the energy and commitment of people with disabilities. Focused on developing skills that help youth with disabilities integrate with the community and become more independent. Through civic engagement, a support network of family and friends, strategic partnerships with Colombia Joven and other collaborators, building skills and knowledge for low-income youth with disabilities with diverse interests to grow at an economic and social level, leveraging the dormant labor force of people with disabilities to help transform the surrounding communities, strengthening Colombia’s economic growth and social capital.
Categoría de tu proyecto
Educación colaborativa
Cómo se diferencia tu producto o servicio de lo existente en el mercado?
Colombia has an active civil society with many organizations focused on promoting youth development [a]. Our focus is not to compete with civic engagement opportunities, but rather focus on workforce development through civic engagement. Through this collaborative education initiative, Colombia will be able to access and use the labor potential of people with disabilities towards community development projects.
Describe el impacto social que genera tu solución
Youth Civic Participation enables young people to contribute to their development and improve their communities by addressing critical needs such as reducing the 8.9% unemployment rate [a] and roughly 29.3% of individuals living below the poverty line [c]. People with disabilities are often excluded from civic engagement opportunities due to discrimination, and face barriers to access to education which hinders their economic and social development. By providing them with alternative education and development opportunities through civic engagement, they will be able to grow at an economic and social level. The dormant power of the disability workforce will be leveraged and directed towards community improvement projects, which will strengthen the social capital for individuals, communities, and Colombia.
Descripción breve de la sustentabilidad económica de tu proyecto
It takes money to do good. Through rapid-prototyping during the second stage (Exploracion/Discovery) and third stage (Coaching), we aim to validate market assumptions to ensure we are addressing a core problem, and provide a service/product that will generate money for a reliable sustainability model. Below is a rough draft, very early-stage, of our preliminary financial sustainability model in the meantime: 1) Our company is free to use by people with disabilities. 2) Nonprofit organizations may elect a free basic account; a premium account called Community Leader; or Preferred Partnership which includes a bundle of enterprise tools for regional and national nonprofit organizations with multiple chapters. 3) For companies, schools, and multi-chapter nonprofits we offer pure consulting services to help businesses and organizations launch or grow volunteer engagement programs for people with disabilities. 4) Through strategic partnerships with Colombia Joven and other collaborators, we will aim to utilize shared space, wireless community networks, crowdsourcing, and other relevant resources to innovate and reduce costs/overhead.
¿Cómo es la escala de tu proyecto?¿Zonal, regional, nacional o globlal? ¿Por qué?
There is a growing history of support from the Government and local communities in addressing disability inclusion over the past few decades. The initial starting point is zonal, in order to test, learn, develop and build a sustainable service/product through market validation. As we collect data, we will analyze to best assess viability and strategies to consider other zones and national, regional and/or global expansion.
¿En qué etapa se encuentra tu proyecto?
¿Tu emprendimiento se encuentra constituído en algún país?¿Cuál?
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