Scholas Pibel Poubel

A Pibel Poubel is an artistically created trash container with the shape of a mythical character, which both is a sculpture and has the mission of collecting waste where it is installed. The project promotes awareness, leadership, solidarity and sensitivity in Haitian youth from different social backgrounds who are invited to gather and work together becoming protagonists of socio-communitarian initiatives. Pibel Poubel started with the aim to find answers to the youth’s concern about environmental degradation and by observing the enormous presence of waste, especially in the main cities of the country. The project calls for educational institutions to educate in the culture of care, and intends to propose sustainable cooperation between relevant actors who are involved in the recycling field.
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Thank you Irene We really appreciate your feedback. Let's see the results now!
4 years ago
Hi Farzana!! Don't worry, I'm late too ... I'm glad to read your answers I think there's some really important information about the project on it that you should mention in your proposal, like potential partners, project scope, the subjects of the workshop, etc... About the stakeholders of the project, maybe you could contact Papillon (Delmas 75 -, they have some time working with recycling and helping people, could be good. If you will work with different secondary schools, maybe you could make a recycling challenge, that can increase the motivation of young people to use the trash container when the project is already implemented... Although you have some ideas about how to encourage its use, I think, is a key part of the success of this project and you have to show it to society because that will increase the motivation to fill the trash container and don't use the floor. My best regards, if I can do something for you let me know!
4 years ago
Hello Irene Please excuse us for our delayed responses. Looking forward to your feedback again!
4 years ago
2. It is an extracurricular activity. The Scholas team will accompany the students once a week, 4 hours for 8 weeks. At the workshops, Scholas proposes two kinds of complementary reflections: technical and human. The technical part: MINIMIZE THE USE OF PLASTIC KINDS OF PLASTIC THAT CAN BE RECYCLED PROCESS OF RECYCLING The human part: Caring for the “common home” based on Pope Francis’ encyclical "Laudato Si" POLLUTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE THE ISSUE OF WATER LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY DECLINE IN THE QUALITY OF HUMAN LIFE AND THE BREAKDOWN OF SOCIETY GLOBAL INEQUALITY WEAK RESPONSES The above topics will be shared with the students It is important that the students own it and relate with the Artistic Container created by them which fosters sensitivity towards the use of it.
4 years ago
Hi Irene Thank you for your feedback. 1. Yes we have contacts with universities, teachers formation entities, religious congregations & several schools in different Departments of the country. We are also in touch with: The Franciscan Friars who are installing the recycling plant. Though they have not started the project in its full capacity, they are taking the plastic and getting it ready to recycle it as soon as they get their machines imported from Brazil and are now at the Haitian Port. The blocks made by them would be given to respond to vulnerable communities’ needs through non-profit organizations like Techo. “Plastic Bank Haiti” is another recycling enterprise that is ready to receive the plastic collected. We still have to contact some other potential allies such as Sogeplast (Haiti Plastics). We have received help from BID to make the first pilot. We are making a 2nd Pibel Poubel financed by the MEDFP (Ministry of Education) and looking for some other donors.
4 years ago
2. If you implement the project on educational organizations or schools, will you make the instructive workshop in a subject class or will you implement it's as an extra programmatic workshop? how many hours will you use? which topics will you talk about? 3. I think you are very clear at how the project can contribute to getting collaborative work, improve the young leadership and get a cultural stamp, but I think you need to go deeper, in your explanations, on how the project can make a difference in the waste problem in the cities, how do you encourage people to use the trash containers, and how to use it well..… because is for recycling they cannot put whatever they want on it. 4. I read that you already implemented one trash container, since how long it is emplaced? It is full? What do you do with the recycling collected? how do you think the trash container motivates people to use it instead of using the street as a trash bag?
4 years ago
4. The first pilot was given to the IDB’s (International Development Bank) office in Port-au-Prince in December 2019 as a recognition for their support and in order to make the project known to people who enter the building. As it is an artistic sculpture, it decorates the outer space and works as the original sample of the following containers. The said institution is responsible for its use. Our next container is under process and will be placed in one of the public schools where children would be able to use it and the recycling associative chain will start to roll. It will be a slow and long process of change in the community's mindsets in the longer run. The level of involvement of the authorities of the educational institutions is key to reinforce the depth of the proposal, added to the strength of the youth and the fact that it is a container manufactured by the community itself, around representative elements of its culture and environment. These elements can encourage its use.
4 years ago
3. Haiti has the lowest solid waste collection rate in Latin America and the Caribbean. The insufficient collection system increases the risk of floods and of diseases. It is imperative to join efforts to transmit responsibility through the acquisition of knowledge by social groups, and their incorporation of attitudes and skills necessary to solve socio-environmental problems. Reducing and reusing plastic means decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and the consumption of non-renewable natural energy resources. It can improve people's quality of life and help to create circular economy models. By knowing about the process of recycling plastic, its benefits and its different possibilities the youths will interiorize this logic and will be motivated to pass it on to others, understanding the need to use the dustbins not only to keep their school and surroundings clean but to help provide community needs. The containers will be labeled with slogans and instructions for their proper use.
4 years ago
2. We do it as extracurricular activities considering Haitian students missed a lot of study time. Each Pibel Poubel takes 4 hours per week, for 8 weeks. The workshops propose 2 complementary aspects: a. The technical part shows how plastic waste impacts the environment, the importance of reducing its consumption, and how to recycle in different levels of a social being. It also gives them information on the different types of plastic, differentiating which of them and how can be recycled; b. The human formation part brings a holistic view of human development and it is about the caring of the “common home” based on the first chapter of encyclical Laudato Si’ which includes the topics: Pollution and Climate change, the issue of water, loss of biodiversity, decline in the quality of human life and breakdown of society, global inequality, weak responses, connecting this bibliography with contemporary authors, documentaries, and press news.
4 years ago
Hi guys! first of all sorry write to you so late I didn't see the email before. Congratulations on your application. I think it's could be a good boost to improve the waste problem in Haiti. I have a few questions for you: 1. Do you have contacts with schools, educational institutions, or some community where you want to implement the project? And do you have the sponsor of some organization or someone in the recycling industry who can receive the recycling materials that you can collect? I really think you need both of them to gain the funds, even if you're not sure you would implement the project, if you know who your partners will be, the jury will know that there’ people interest in the project. On the other hand, I think you should know or let us know where and how do you will move the trash from the trash container to the recycling center.
4 years ago
HELLO IRENE 1. We have contact with secondary schools (PauP & Okap), formation entities, religious congregations, and primary schools in 5 different Departments. We are in touch with some actors involved in the recycling field: the Franciscan Friars who recycle plastic by building blocks. The idea would be to gather some of the plastic collected by the communities where the Pibel Poubel will be installed and give it to them. These blocks could be given to organizations like Techo to respond to vulnerable communities’ needs. The “Plastic Bank” a recycling social enterprise that is ready to receive plastic collected from schools and convert it into nurdles that are sold to global brands that recycle it and reuse it. We research actors involved in the recycling industry and still have to contact some potential allies: Sogeplast (Haiti Plastics), HP, SCSSA. We have received support from BID to make the first pilot and we are in the process of making a second one financed by MEDFP.
4 years ago
It is a great initiative to provide this platform for the people to share their ideas and get help to implement them in the best way possible. Congratulations Techo!
4 years ago

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