
Verqor is a for-profit/for-purpose fintech platform, that offers to companies financial empowerment of their farmers suppliers and data traceability of all their transactions.In the platform, the farmer can get affordable credits to raise productivity and implement technology on their fields. This credits are funded by several financial institutions that, with Verqor model, they allocate as impact low risk investment. The farmer can access to the productive credits immediately through Verqor Lite App.Through our platform, we get traceability of all purchases and money movements of farmers, movements that before were invisible, but today we provide to the company that buys from this farmers.This data gives to the company more control over their supply chain, meaning less costs, more insights and more goods quality. The purchasing data traceability added to the opportunity of economic growth is what makes us a 100% sustainable and profitable fintech platform.
¿De qué manera Walmart le podría aportar valor a tu Startup?
WalMart al usar la plataforma no sólo empodera a sus proveedores de materias prima, generando mayor calidad en sus productos, pero con la data de compra de los productores tiene un mayor control en su cadena de producción. WalMart nos dará más tracción.
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Premio Innovación Sustentable 2019 Categoría Startups

Lleva tu Emprendimiento al siguiente nivel: Walmart como tu cliente

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