Social inclusion GBV survivors Colombia

Since the 1950s, Colombia has been plagued by an internal armed conflict, resulting in the displacement of almost 7 million people. Ongoing violence has its consequences on the daily lives of women. Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) is endemic in Colombia. Many women suffered and still suffer SGBV, have not had adequate psychosocial support and little knowledge about their rights.
There is an urgent lack of strategies to overcome and prevent trauma.
We build a system of support that moves from social inclusion and increased community resilience, 1. to providing psychosocial support for those people that are more seriously affected violence and conflict to 2. a long-term strategy where people can access public & private services independently of external aid. This video shows how we used the project "social and financial inclusion" to build strong networks of people in Burundi.
Nombre de la organización
HealthNet TPO
Página web de la organización
Tipo de organización
Sociedad Civil
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