Digital voices fighting extremism&cybercrime

Worldwide studies, reports and researches revealed that a large number of women, especially young girls, are victims of the violence perpetrated by internet offenders which includes harassment, cyber stalking, exploitation, hacking private information, tampering, cyber pornography, internet luring, offense, visual supervision and tracking. At the same time we are all witnessing how extreme groups are using digital spaces to radicalize, recruit women and men and spread propaganda across the globe. In the absence of social activists online this issue becoming a serious problem all the world is trying to overcome and challenge. Thus, FE-MALE is planning a 4 years project that aims to build an online army defending women's rights, fighting extremism through human rights culture and values and playing a role in countering violent extremism. the project will start with a year research, followed by a 3 years online and offline activities.
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Tipo de organización
Civil Society
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