
MiCongreso will be a dynamic entrepreneurial project with strong social impact. Through an interactive new media application designed to inform, to promote civic participation and to engage public discussion around social and political issues, we pretend to significantly increase congressional oversight by citizens as well as strengthen empathy and interaction that thousands of citizens have regarding the country’s principal political and social issues. Users will be able to approach congressional activity with a previously inexistent simplicity, regularity and context and will be provided with content that not only informs and educates, but also summons to participate by voting, discussing and comparing opinions, as well as matching personal opinions with voting records of members of congress.
Our mission is to become the primary reference point for congressional activity in Guatemala; and be a constant gatherer of public opinion about social and political issues.
Nombre de la organización
Ludiverse Inc.
Página web de la organización
Tipo de organización
Private Sector
Galería de imagenes

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Subvenciones Frida 2016

Financiando proyectos innovadores que exploren el potencial de las TICs para el desarrollo.

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