School Day Wellbeing

School Day enables schools to identify areas in student wellbeing and social and emotional learning (SEL) that need attention and improvement. Also highlighting the positives. Student wellbeing leads to better learning outcomes. School Day is the easiest way to support the wellbeing of students in real-time. It creates a sense of belonging and allows you to be part of building a better school day. Our anonymous wellbeing data supports decision-making in schools and districts, empowering the school community to focus on learning.
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Regístrate o ingresa para ayudar a Mika Kasanen a mejorar su propuesta.

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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Please remember that you can modify anything on your application until September 11th, when this stage closes. I am here to guide you through this process and help you build a better application. You must check the platform comments as well as the email you registered regularly, I will be reaching out via these outlets. If you need any technical support in the platform you can message:
hace 4 años
Thank you Alexandra! :)
hace 4 años

¿Crees que esta idea es
positiva para el mundo?

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Entrega tu apoyo a "School Day Wellbeing"


abre el 21 de julio

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